So without further commentary, five writing tips he tweeted today:
1. Write a lot. Can’t edit until you’ve written something. Can’t submit or publish something until you’ve edited it. So: write a lot.He then proceeded to go into the woods and frolic after imparting this writing wisdom.
2. When writing, try not to suck balls. Some of what you think sucks will be great. Some of what seems great will really suck. Write anyway.
3. If you wanna do this thing full-time, stop giving priority to stuff that isn’t writing. Can’t make it your priority? Do something else.
4. Even 500 words a day or one script page is two or three novels/scripts a year. How awesome is that?
5. Take multiple shots at the goal. A writing career is a lot about luck but luck is a thing you can maximize w/ productivity & diversity.
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His latest release, Blackbirds, is available from Angry Robot wherever exceptional books are sold.