Thursday, October 6, 2011

I, Crimsonstreak Update

There's nothing huge going on right now in terms of I, Crimsonstreak.

I finally got my wife to start reading the book. It's not exactly her genre (our taste in books is quite...divergent), but she's giving it a go. Before, she'd made it to chapter four before shutting things down. There was a character in there she hated. Funny thing about that: it also bothered my editor, who requested that I revise the character or leave him out.

Score one for my wife on that one.

Anyhow, I was able to announce a couple weeks ago that the book deal was complete. The contract is signed, Publishers Weekly blurbed it and my publisher, Candlemark & Gleam, did as well.

Actually, I realized I never wrote a blog post about the publisher's blurb. I only linked it on my Facebook Author Page.

I thought I'd better remedy that today, so here's a nice little summary of the book from my publisher about I, Crimsonstreak.

I know the book will be coming out in May in both paperback and ebook. I'm not sure what the release date will be, but I put a countdown clock on the blog anyway. Just's kind of neat.

When we get a hard release date (right now the clock is set to May 1st), I'll update the Countdown to Crimsonstreak.